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Grade 6/7 Summer Curriculum​

Day 1

  1. Exponential, Scientific & Standard form

  2. Decimals and fraction operations

  3. Order of operations (PEMDAS)  

  4. Roman Numerals (1-3000)

Day 2

  1. Prime Factorization 

  2. LCM and GCF with numbers

  3. Squares and cubes 

  4. Square and cube Roots

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session A Test 1 based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session A - Week 1

Day 1

  1. Absolute Value

  2. Distance between 2 points on a number line

  3. Integer operations with 3-4 numbers

Day 2

  1. Double Line Graphs, Bar Graphs

  2. Interpret Frequency Charts and Stem and Leaf plots

  3. Circle graphs

  4. Histograms

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session A Test 2 based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session A - Week 2

Day 1

  1. Unit rates and equivalent rates

  2. Direct and Inverse Variation

Day 2

  1. Compare and Convert between percent, fractions, and decimals

  2. Percentage

  3. Taxes and tips

  4. Simple Interest

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session B Test 1 based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session B - Week 1
Level 6 session 2

Day 1

  1. LCM and GCF of numbers & expressions

  2. Polynomial ( like/ unlike terms, degree of a polynomial) 

  3. Four operations on like and unlike monomials

Day 2

  1. Simplifying polynomials 

  2. Operations on binomials & distributive property

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session B Test 2 based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session B - Week 2

Day 1

  1. Solving linear equations

Day 2

  1. Solving simple linear inequations

  2. Mean, Median, Mode and Range

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session C Test1  based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session C - Week 1
level 6 session 3

Day 1

  1. Complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent & congruent angles 

  2. Names and properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

Day 2

  1. Reflection, Rotation and Translation

  2. Perimeter and Area  of Polygons

  3. Area, perimeter, and circumference of a circle

  4. Volume of prisms & Pyramids

Day 3

  1. Online in class Session C Test 2 based on topics learned this week.
    Test time: 45 minutes.

  2. Remaining time will be used to go over mistakes and discuss results.

  3. Weekend homework packet.

Grade 6/7  Session C - Week 2
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